Doodle Fightbox 0.1c - This is content, right?

I've lied all along, there was no boss in this game!

Until now, it appears the boss would have 50/50 chance to spawn or not spawn at all, and I don't think I have to explain to you that when I did tests for the boss battle I've only tested the boss twice and it always spawned for me.

That's also where I start wondering whether's the game too hard, it was supposed to be pretty challenging from the start, also it being a dirty trick to increase game's length but I've now realized it's vastly different in terms of difficulty when comparing dev's experience to someone playing it for the first time. 

I also assume nobody reached the boss yet because nobody told me there was no boss at all lol

Also some other fixes like the melee punch not costing stamina during shopping, because you can only punch 3 times at once, and there's 4 shop items + next wave lever and you have to awkwardly wait for the stamina to regenerate to start the next wave.

New Content & Future

The game isn't popular at all yet but couple of people really dig game's idea to my suprise. The game was made entirely in ~48, with less than 15 hours of actual work, the wave / horde gameplay was a solution for the jam's theme - single room, however I think the game would work wonders if I'd expand on this idea.

And the short answer is yes - I'm gonna keep working on this game. The game having a low effort paper art style cuts dev time massively and that means I can work pretty fast. Currently there's only 2 weapons in this game, and I plan on adding 2 more - one for each ammo category in the next update (which won't be bugfix only). I can't show you anything yet, but one of them is gonna go like "ratatatatatata" very fast. 

I hope to make this game Steam-worthy one day, probably with multiplayer and a lot of content. I know promising multiplayer mode is like selling my soul and it puts a lot of weight on me but truth is there's not much coop / horde games being relevant now. And first of all I want to make this game very accessible - low specs, no particular violence and the game being either free or really cheap, and also very customizable, so you can configure wave settings, make mods and maybe even draw your own drawings and import them into the game!

I know this may sound too ambitious but I really believe in this project. And thanks for reading if you're still here, that means you're curious about this project and it warms my heart!


- Fixed boss not spawning on the final wave

- Melee doesn't cost stamina while shopping


doodle_fightbox_0.1c_win64.rar 75 MB
Jun 15, 2021

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